You can warm a JTE staff member's heart on this cold snowy day by submitting a note of appreciation on this form! We will be delivering the notes to our staff on Friday, February 28th. You can access the form using the the link listed here:
16 minutes ago, John Tyson Elementary
Due to inclement weather on Wednesday Feb. 19, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed. Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día miércoles 19 de febrero 2025, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día de recuperación estudiantil. Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados. Kin an naaj nana lañ ilo raan ne Wōnje, Pāpode19 raan, 2025, kin an lap snow, aolep Paplik Jikuuļ ko ilo Springdale in renaaj likūt rainin āinwōt juon raan in Catch-up nan ri-jikuuļ ro ilo aer naaj wōnm̧aanļo̧k Wōt im kōmm̧ani katak ko aer ilo zoom ak ilo mōko imweer. Aolep mon jikuuļ ko renaaj kilōk.
about 21 hours ago, Springdale School District
Student Catch Up day  2.19.25
Student Catch Up day  2.19.25
Student Catch Up day  2.19.25
#SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Tuesday February 18, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed. Debido a las inclemencias del tiempo el día martes 18 de febrero 2025, las Escuelas Públicas de Springdale tendrán un día de recuperación estudiantil. Todos los edificios escolares estarán cerrados. Kin an naaj nana lañ ilo raan ne Juje, Pāpode18 raan, 2025, kin an lap snow, aolep Paplik Jikuuļ ko ilo Springdale in renaaj likūt rainin āinwōt juon raan in Catch-up nan ri-jikuuļ ro ilo aer naaj wōnm̧aanļo̧k Wōt im kōmm̧ani katak ko aer ilo zoom ak ilo mōko imweer. Aolep mon jikuuļ ko renaaj kilōk.
2 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
#SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Tuesday February 18, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed.
2 days ago, Springdale School District
Student Catch Up day  2.18.25
Student Catch Up day  2.18.25
Student Catch Up day  2.18.25
Reminder-There will be no school tomorrow, Monday, February 17th. Please see our newsletter for other important information. Enjoy your long weekend, Tigers!
3 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
Don't forget to share the love with JTESOI staff members! You can send a short letter of appreciation using this link:
10 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
10 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
17 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
As part of our celebration of the Great Kindness Challenge, students are participating in a food drive this week, January 27th-31st to help people in our community. All collections will be used to benefit local families. The grade level that brings in the most food items will win an extra recess! The items needed are listed in the flyer below.
22 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
24 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
We’re proud to announce that JTESOI has earned an incredible $53,776.70 through the Arkansas School Recognition Program for being in the top 6-10% for growth, AND the top 6-10% for achievement. 🌟 This accomplishment would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our staff and students, as well as our partnerships with our parents and community support! Goooo, Tigers!!!
24 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
We will participate in the Great Kindness Challenge next week. Each day of the week will have a dress up theme to spread kindness! Please see the images below for details on each day's theme.
26 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
Please join us tomorrow, Thursday, January 23rd for STEAM Night from 5:30-7:00 PM. There will be exciting STEAM activity stations throughout the building. Dinner will also be served. We look forward to seeing you there!
28 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
Tomorrow, January 23rd, is Picture Retake Day! If you were absent on picture day or need to have your picture retaken, Lifetouch will be at school tomorrow for retakes.
28 days ago, John Tyson Elementary
We have had another great week of learning! Schools will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of MLK Day. School will resume on Tuesday, January 21st.
about 1 month ago, John Tyson Elementary
Har-Ber High School Cheer Clinic - Wildcat Arena Feb. 17th - 5:30 to 7:30pm See flyer for more details
about 1 month ago, WebTech
Cheer Clinic flyer
REZA - Edge of Illusion Saturday, January 18th - 7:30pm Dr. Marsha Jones Performing Arts Center See flyer for ticket information
about 1 month ago, WebTech
Illusion flyer
about 1 month ago, John Tyson Elementary
Due to inclement weather on Friday, January 10, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. Teachers will be available through Google Meet or Zoom if your student needs support. You can see the optional Zoom and Google Meet schedule in the graphic below. Teachers will share the links for these optional meetings through Rooms.
about 1 month ago, John Tyson Elementary
Greetings #SpringdaleFamily, Due to inclement weather on Friday January 10, 2025, Springdale Public Schools will have a Student Catch-Up day. All School buildings will be closed. Stay warm and stay safe!
about 1 month ago, Springdale School District