Our 3rd, 4th, and 1st graders will continue their ELPA testing this week. Please make sure your child gets a good night's rest and arrives to school on time each day. We are excited for our Tigers to show what they know!
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
This is the last week to order your JTE yearbook. Don't miss out! You can order online at www.mylifetouch.com.
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Here is the Parent Newsletter for next week, March 13-17, 2023, our last week before Spring Break. Spring Break will be March 20-24. We hope you have a great weekend! https://www.smore.com/ncqga
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Student-led conferences will be taking place next week. We are excited for our Tigers to share their progress with you. You can find next week's newsletter below. Have a great weekend. https://www.smore.com/ncqga
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Tomorrow is Picture Day! You can order online at https://my.lifetouch.com.
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
We have had another great week at JTE! We have some exciting things coming up next week to celebrate Read Across America. You can click on the link below to see next week's newsletter. Enjoy your weekend! https://www.smore.com/ncqga
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Spring Picture Day is coming! Students will be having individual and class pictures taken on Friday, March 3rd. The easiest way to order school pictures is online at mylifetouch.com. You can find more information about ordering below..
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Tyson Families: We do not have school on Monday, February 20th (Presidents' Day) Click on the link below to read our newsletter for next week (Tuesday, February 21st-Friday, February 24th). We hope you enjoy the three-day weekend! https://www.smore.com/ncqga
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
We've had another great week at JTE! Here is the newsletter for the week of February 13th-17th. https://www.smore.com/ncqga
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Happy National School Counselors Week to our AMAZING JTE counselors. They go above and beyond each day for our students. We appreciate you, Mrs. Dudley, Ms. Emily, and Mr. Josh!
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
If you would like to skip the long line to check in to the building for our Valentine's Day parties on Tuesday, February 14th, you can complete the form linked below and stop by the office this week or next Monday to obtain a fast pass. Here is the link to the form: https://forms.gle/LjCdx49ZQhhXb8ZH9
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Har-Ber Lady Wildcat Soccer Camp K-5th Grade Girls See flyer for more details
about 2 years ago, WebTech
Har-Ber Lady Wildcat Soccer Camp flyer
Thank you, Tiger Families, for helping our students have a successful week of learning from home. We can't wait to see everyone back at school on Monday. Here is the JTE Parent Newsletter for next week. Enjoy your weekend! https://www.smore.com/ncqga
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Tomorrow will be an Alternate Method of Instruction (AMI) day for all Springdale Public Schools. We know not everyone has devices at home, so please see the K-2 and 3-5 choice boards for tomorrow's learning. Each student will pick 5 squares to do at home. We will also provide an optional Zoom meeting for students who need help. Teachers will be available by email and will send out Zoom links. https://www.smore.com/x3zba
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Due to inclement weather on Friday, February 3, 2023, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All school buildings will be closed.
about 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Tomorrow will be an Alternate Method of Instruction (AMI) day for all Springdale Public Schools. We know not everyone has devices at home, so please see the K-2 and 3-5 choice boards for tomorrow's learning. Each student will pick 5 squares to do at home. We will also provide an optional Zoom meeting for students who need help. Teachers will be available by email and will send out Zoom links. https://www.smore.com/x3zba
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Due to inclement weather on Thursday, February 2, 2023, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All school buildings will be closed.
about 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Tomorrow will be an Alternate Method of Instruction (AMI) day for all Springdale Public Schools. We know not everyone has devices at home, so please see the K-2 and 3-5 choice boards for tomorrow's learning. Each student will pick 5 squares to do at home. We will also provide an optional Zoom meeting for students who need help. Teachers will be available by email and will send out Zoom links. https://www.smore.com/x3zba
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Due to inclement weather on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All school buildings will be closed.
about 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Tomorrow will be an Alternate Method of Instruction (AMI) day for all Springdale Public Schools. We know not everyone has devices at home, so please see the K-2 and 3-5 choice boards for tomorrow's learning. Each student will pick 5 squares to do at home. We will also provide an optional Zoom meeting for students who need help. Teachers will be available by email and will send out Zoom links. https://www.smore.com/x3zba
about 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary