Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 132 will not be able to run on Thursday or Friday, March 4th and March 5th. Bus 191 will not be able to run in the afternoon on Thursday or Friday, March 4th and 5th. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobús, el autobús 132 no podrá circular el jueves ni el viernes 4 y 5 de marzo. El autobús 191 no podrá circular por la tarde los días jueves y viernes 4 y 5 de marzo. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias.

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 191 will not run Thursday or Friday afternoon(Thursday, March 3rd and Friday, March 4th). It will run in the mornings those days.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobús, el autobús 191 no funcionará el jueves ni el viernes por la tarde (jueves 3 y viernes 4 de marzo). Funcionará por las mañanas esos días.

Click the link below to share your feedback:
Parent/ Guardian Survey for Early out Wednesday for Students.

We will have a lunch menu change tomorrow, March 1, 2022. Please see more information below.

John Tyson Elementary is in need of translators for our upcoming student-led conferences. These will take place March 7- March 10th. Please see below for more information.

Next week is Read Across America Week! Help us celebrate by dressing up for each day's theme.

Dear Tiger Parents,
Springdale Public Schools will have an alternate methods of instruction (AMI) day on Friday, February 25th, 2022. All school buildings will be closed while students continue to learn remotely at home. ALL students will have assignments to do at home. Please click on the link below for more information about remote learning and the zoom schedules. We had a great day meeting with students today, and we look forward to zooming with your child tomorrow. Your teacher will send you the assignments. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions or need any assistance. Stay safe, Tigers!

Due to inclement weather on Friday, February 25, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.

Congratulations to our EASTies, Abby, Dexee, and Rachelle, whose project is a finalist in the EAST Project Competition. We are so proud of you! Winners will be announced March 17th at the EAST Conference.

Due to inclement weather on Thursday, February 24, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.

Dear Tiger Parents,
Springdale Public Schools will have an alternate methods of instruction (AMI) day on Thursday, February 24th, 2022. All school buildings will be closed while students continue to learn remotely at home. ALL students will have assignments to do at home. Please click on the link below for more information about remote learning and the zoom schedules. We had a great day meeting with students today, and we look forward to zooming with your child tomorrow. Your teacher will send you the assignments. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions or need any assistance. Stay safe, Tigers!

Dear Tiger Parents,
Here is a quick reference parent guide to help you support your child with our alternate methods of instruction (AMI) day on Wednesday, February 23rd, 2022. All school buildings will be closed while students continue to learn remotely at home. ALL students will have assignments to do at home. Please click on the link below for more information about remote learning and the zoom schedules. We look forward to zooming with your child tomorrow. Your teacher will send you the assignments. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions or need any assistance. Stay safe, Tigers!

Due to inclement weather on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.

Due to inclement weather on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, Springdale Public Schools will have an AMI (remote teaching and learning) day. All School buildings will be closed.

Potential AMI Weather Days: We are sending devices and chargers with log-in information home with students today in case of potential weather days. If we pivot to AMI remote learning, students will be required to do AMI (Alternate Method of Instruction) assignments unless our Superintendent declares a snow day due to power outages, et cetera. AMI days will count as a school day, and snow days will have to be made up at the end of the school year. Please take good care of your child’s device and charger so it is not lost or damaged. Students ONLY need to be on the device to complete school work during the day. Your child MAY NOT visit any other sites (including Google or YouTube) except for the teacher assigned websites. Principals will get a GoGuardian alert if students use Google, YouTube, or any other website that is not permitted. Lexia Core 5 Reading, Epic Reading, IXL Language Arts, IXL Math and ST Math are examples of approved sites. Please return your child’s device fully charged with the charger the next day that we are face-to-face learning. Thank you. As of now, we have not heard about school tomorrow, but we will keep you notified through Social Media, texts, and through your child’s teacher. Stay safe, Tiger family!
Días posibles de AMI debido al clima: Estamos enviando tecnología y cargadores con información de inicio a sesión a casa con los estudiantes hoy en caso de días posibles de AMI debido al clima. Si tenemos días de AMI, se requerirá que los estudiantes hagan tareas de AMI (Método alternativo de instrucción) a menos que nuestro Superintendente declare un día de nieve debido a cortes de energía, etcétera. Los días de AMI contarán como un día escolar y los días de nieve deberán recuperarse al final del año escolar. Por favor cuide bien la tecnología y el cargador de su estudiante para que no se pierdan ni se dañen. Los estudiantes SÓLO necesitan usar su tecnología para completar el trabajo escolar durante el día. Su hijo NO PUEDE visitar ningún otro sitio (incluyendo Google o Youtube) excepto por los sitios donde las maestras han asignado tareas. Las directoras de la escuela recibirán una alerta de GoGuardián si su estudiante visita Google, Youtube, o cualquier otro sitio que no está permitido. Lexia Core 5 Reading, Lectura en Epic, IXL Language Arts, IXL Math, y ST Math son ejemplos de sitios aprobados. Por favor regrese la tecnología de su hijo con carga y con el cargador el día que regresemos a instrucción cara a cara. Gracias. Hasta ahorita, aun no hemos escuchado sobre mañana, pero los mantendremos informados a través de las redes sociales, textos, y a través de la maestra de su estudiante. Que estén bien, familia de Tigres!

Potential AMI Weather Days: We are sending devices and chargers with log-in information home with students today in case of potential weather days. If we pivot to AMI remote learning, students will be required to do AMI (Alternate Method of Instruction) assignments unless our Superintendent declares a snow day due to power outages, et cetera. AMI days will count as a school day, and snow days will have to be made up at the end of the school year. Please take good care of your child’s device and charger so it is not lost or damaged. Students ONLY need to be on the device to complete school work during the day. Your child MAY NOT visit any other sites (including Google or YouTube) except for the teacher assigned websites. Principals will get a GoGuardian alert if students use Google, YouTube, or any other website that is not permitted. Lexia Core 5 Reading, Epic Reading, IXL Language Arts, IXL Math and ST Math are examples of approved sites. Please return your child’s device fully charged with the charger the next day that we are face-to-face learning. Thank you. As of now, we have not heard about school tomorrow, but we will keep you notified through Social Media, texts, and through your child’s teacher. Stay safe, Tiger family!
Días posibles de AMI debido al clima: Estamos enviando tecnología y cargadores con información de inicio a sesión a casa con los estudiantes hoy en caso de días posibles de AMI debido al clima. Si tenemos días de AMI, se requerirá que los estudiantes hagan tareas de AMI (Método alternativo de instrucción) a menos que nuestro Superintendente declare un día de nieve debido a cortes de energía, etcétera. Los días de AMI contarán como un día escolar y los días de nieve deberán recuperarse al final del año escolar. Por favor cuide bien la tecnología y el cargador de su estudiante para que no se pierdan ni se dañen. Los estudiantes SÓLO necesitan usar su tecnología para completar el trabajo escolar durante el día. Su hijo NO PUEDE visitar ningún otro sitio (incluyendo Google o Youtube) excepto por los sitios donde las maestras han asignado tareas. Las directoras de la escuela recibirán una alerta de GoGuardián si su estudiante visita Google, Youtube, o cualquier otro sitio que no está permitido. Lexia Core 5 Reading, Lectura en Epic, IXL Language Arts, IXL Math, y ST Math son ejemplos de sitios aprobados. Por favor regrese la tecnología de su hijo con carga y con el cargador el día que regresemos a instrucción cara a cara. Gracias. Hasta ahorita, aun no hemos escuchado sobre mañana, pero los mantendremos informados a través de las redes sociales, textos, y a través de la maestra de su estudiante. Que estén bien, familia de Tigres!

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 191 will not run Thursday or Friday afternoon (February 24th and 25th). It will be able to run in the morning on those days. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobús, el autobús 191 no funcionará el jueves ni el viernes por la tarde (24 y 25 de febrero). Podrá funcionar por la mañana en esos días. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias.

Join in on the fun to celebrate the ultimate "TWOs Day" tomorrow, February 22nd! Students can wear ties, tie-dye, tennis shoes, tiaras, tutus, and/or dress as twins. We are looking forward to celebrating this fun day!

Please see our latest newsletter for important information. Have a great weekend!

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 191 will not run this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon (Thursday, February 17th and Friday, February 18th). It will run in the mornings.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobuses, el autobús 191 no funcionará esta tarde ni mañana por la tarde (jueves 17 de febrero y viernes 18 de febrero). Funcionará por las mañanas.