On Thursday, Oct. 22nd, flu shots will be given here at Tyson elementary during the afternoon. Please get your flu forms turned in ASAP. Also, if students are blended and this is not their day to normally attend, please come on up to the school that afternoon. If students are virtual, please go to the Springdale schools website under nurses corner, print off the flu forms and come to Tyson on that afternoon as well. If you have any questions, please call your school nurse.
It is October 5th, please apply for Free and Reduced Lunch. It is time to POWER UP!
Please apply by October 5th at www.schoolcafe.com
Por favor aplicar antes de el 5 de Octubre
On this weeks episode of Asi Es Springdale:
We discuss the Flu Clinic Information, Ozark Guidance, Truity Check presentation and Economic Arkansas
There is so much more to Free and Reduced Lunch than Great Food!
Hay mucho mas beneficios en aplicar para almuerzos gratis o reducidos que solo buena comida
Join us tonight for our virtual Annual Title 1 Parent & Family Engagement meeting at 5:30 P.M. and at 5:45 P.M. for our virtual Report to the Public Meeting. You can register at this link: https://forms.gle/PPxQQQi1T6zZxtjS9
Once you have registered, you will receive a Zoom invitation via email.
Unase a nosotros esta noche para nuestra reunion virtual anual de participacion de Padres y Familias de Titulo 1 a las 5:30 p.m. y a las 5:45 p.m. para nuestro Informe virtual a la Reunion Publica. Se puede registrar con este link: https: //forms.gle/PPxQQQi1T6zZxtjS9
Ya que este registrado va a recibir una invitacion a Zoom por correo electronico.
Special Message from Jared Cleveland (Springdale Schools Superintendent)
It is so much more than a meal! Apply today at www.schoolcafe.com
Springdale Parents and Patrons,
Please see this message from Dr. Jared Cleveland, Superintendent about Remote Teacher and Learning Days on October 16 and 19
Have you filled yours out yet? It is time to POWER UP!
Parents please read this important flyer below to learn about free and reduced lunch. Please apply by October 5th.
Padres, por favor lean este anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. Favor de aplicar para el 5 de Octubre.
Dear Parents,
Instead of having a Literacy Night at school, we have developed a literacy night video with activities for each grade level and free books for all students. The video has ideas that can be used across grade levels. There are two links attached to this post. The first is a link to the Literacy Night Video. The second is a link to a Google form that you can submit showing that your family viewed the video. Please watch the entire video and then complete the form. When you complete the Google form, your child's name(s) will be entered in a drawing for a special prize. We will select one winner per grade level. Happy Reading!
Favor de llenar el formulario de almuerzos gratis y reducidos! Son más que solo almuerzos, también ayudan en apoyar a los programas de nuestro sistema escolar.
Please fill out Free and Reduced Lunch forms! It is more than meals, it also helps important programs in the our school system
Be sure and check out this opportunity.
SCHOOLCAFE.COM: https://www.smore.com/h18vp-schoolcafe-com?ref=email-content#w-9621106952
Info about Free and Reduced Price Lunches and More....!
Sign up Now!
When you qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch you also get FREE resources and opportunities!
Padres, por favor lean el anuncio importante sobre almuerzos gratis y reducidos. ¡Es más que un almuerzo!
Parents, please read the important announcement about free and reduced lunch. More than just a meal!
Sign up Form (Marshallese): https://5il.co/l13z
Sign up Form (Spanish): https://5il.co/l13y