Congratulations to John Tyson Elementary School, one of Arkansas' newest schools of innovation! What an exciting achievement! #SpringdaleFamily
Read the full story: https://secure.smore.com/n/vu1mf-jte-becomes-a-school-of-innovation

Learn more about the exciting news happening within Springdale Schools by checking out information from the June School Board meeting! #SpringdaelFamily
Explore more here: https://secure.smore.com/n/ec51h-school-board-meeting-news

Congrats to JTE! We were recently designated as a School of Innovation. We would like to thank all of our community partners and school family for helping us achieve this amazing designation.
You can find our final JTE Parent Newsletter for the 2023-24 school year linked below. We hope all of our Tigers and their families have a wonderful summer!

Let's welcome Mrs. Rhonda McCrackin to the JTE family! Mrs. McCrackin will be teaching second grade next year. Welcome, Rhonda!

Summer Meals for students 18 and under
See flyer for more details!

Enjoy your long weekend, Tigers!

Har-Ber Softball Camp
Tuesday, June 4th
See flyer for more details!

We want to celebrate our very own speech pathologist, Mrs. Samantha Evans. We are so thankful for her dedication to helping our Tigers. Happy National Speech-Language Pathologist Day, Mrs. Evans!

We are ready for another great week at JTE! There are multiple events happening this week including PreK, Kindergarten, and 5th Grade Celebrations, as well as Passion Project Day. You can sign up for a fast pass for these events using the links in our newsletter. We will also have our PTA meeting tomorrow night at 5:30 PM. You can see more information in our weekly newsletter linked below. https://secure.smore.com/n/mvd1u

District retirees, robotics students and new staff were celebrated at the May School Board meeting. #SpringdaleFamily
Learn more about the meeting, to include the approved 2024-25 salary schedule, here: https://secure.smore.com/n/9vzykm-school-board-meeting-news

Naturals 2024 Report Card Rewardz
Sunday, June 9th, 2024
See flyer for more details

Please see our latest newsletter for important information about upcoming celebrations and other events. Enjoy your weekend, Tigers!

Happy School Nurse Day to our Nurse Rebecca We appreciate all she does for our students, families, and staff! 🧡🎉🐯

SYCC - Springdale Youth Choir Camp
June 10-14
See flyer for more details

We've had another great week of learning! Next week is Teacher Appreciation Week. You can find more details about ways to celebrate our teachers, as well as other important information about upcoming events in our Parent Newsletter linked below. We hope you all have a great weekend!

We will hold our final PTA meeting at 5:30 PM on Monday, May 6th. We have one PTA board position available, which is the secretary position. If you would like to be included on the ballot for the secretary position, please respond on the survey linked below by 5:00 PM on Monday, May 6th. The survey also includes sign ups for other opportunities to support the PTA. We hope to see you on Monday!

It's Lunch Hero Day! These ladies work tirelessly to feed our Tyson Tigers breakfast and lunch five days a week! They are definitely Super Heroes! Thanks for ALL you do to keep our students nourished. #SpringdaleFamily

If your child participating in ROAR the 2023-2024 school year, we would appreciate your feedback. Please fill out this parent survey linked below;

Let's celebrate and thank our Principal Dr. Shelly Poage for her leadership, hard work, and care of our Tyson Tigers on National Principal's Day. We are so fortunate to have her as our leader! Thank you, Dr. Poage, for all you do to make Tyson Elementary the best school in the universe!

2024 Summer Upcoming K-5
Lady Wildcat Soccer Camp
June 3&4
See flyer for more details