Next week is Celebrate Freedom Week! You can help us celebrate by dressing up each day.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Please join us for a virtual meeting on Monday, October 3rd, where we will share our annual Title I Parent & Family Engagement Plan at 5:30 PM and our Annual Report to the Public at 5:45 PM. We will be sharing important information about our school and requesting feedback on our engagement plan. If you are unable to attend, the meetings will be recorded and can be accessed at a later date. You can register to attend using the link below:
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Here is information on the DownTown RUNaround event. Please see flyer for more details.
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Downtown Runaround flyer English
Downtown Runaround flyer - Spanish
Downtown Runaround Sign-up Sheet
Boys Basketball Tryouts - 3rd -5th Grade Boys. See Flyer for More Details.
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Boys Basketball Tryouts - English flyer
Boys Basketball Tryouts - Spanish flyer
Boys Basketball Tryouts - Marshallese flyer
Please visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply online!
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
The Mini Wild-Dog Cross Country races begin next week! If your child will like to participate, please return the permission form this week.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Tonight is the NIGHT! We are excited to see you at the Back to School Rally at Arvest Ballpark. Remember there is a clear bag policy. Doors at 5:00pm, Pre-Game starts at 6:00pm and baseball at 7:05! Here is all the information you need!
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Clear bag
It's time to complete your free and reduced meal application! Visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply.
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Just a reminder, we will be dismissing students today at 1:50. Have a great afternoon!
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Early out
Submit Free and Reduced Meal Applications Today! The new school year comes with changes to how students purchase or receive school meals. To receive free and reduced meals this year, families must complete an application and qualify. School districts are no longer receiving funding from the federal government that provided free meals to all students.
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
GIFT CARD & GRILL GIVEAWAY | Complete a Free and Reduced Meal Form to be eligible to WIN! More information on the flyer below. Visit WWW.SCHOOLCAFE.COM/SPRINGDALEPS to apply!
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Downtown Runaround Sign-up Sheet
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Downtown Runaround Sign-up Sheet
Downtown Runaround Flyer - Spanish See flyer for more details.
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Downtown Runaround flyer in Spanish
Downtown RUN Around Flyer See flyer for more details.
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Downtown Runaround flyer
We've had a great week! We will not have school Monday, September 5th. Please see our latest newsletter for important information.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Ozark Guidance/Arisa Health Virtual Parent Nights - Marshallese
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Ozark Guidance/Arisa Health Virtual Parent Nights - Marshallese
Ozark Guidance/Arisa Health Virtual Parent Nights - Spanish
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Ozark Guidance/Arisa Health Virtual Parent Nights - Spanish
Ozark Guidance/Arisa Health Virtual Parent Nights
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Ozark Guidance/Arisa Health Virtual Parent Nights flyer
Springdale School District Drive-Through Food Giveaway Distrito Escolar de Springdale Evento de Comida Gratis Click here to sign up:
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Food Giveaway
Food Giveaway
SEPT. 14, 2022 | Mark your calendars for this family friendly event you can't miss! Activities for all ages and information for parents and more! To learn more and to RSVP for this AMAZING event go to and visit ! #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools