SEPT. 14, 2022 | Mark your calendars for this family friendly event you can't miss! Activities for all ages and information for parents and more! To learn more and to RSVP for this AMAZING event go to and visit ! #SpringdaleFamily
over 2 years ago, Springdale Public Schools
Springdale DOWNTOWN RUN AROUND See flyer for details! (English)
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Springdale Downtown Runaround flyer
DownTown Run Around Flyer
RunAround Sign-up Form
To receive free and reduced meals this year, families must complete an application and qualify. School districts are no longer receiving funding from the federal government that provided free meals to all students. Apply now:
over 2 years ago, Springdale School District
Free and Reduced
Free and Reduced
Reza Edge of Illusion Magic Show in Branson, MO See promo for details
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Reza Promo image poster
The glitch with our parent volunteer survey has been fixed. Check out this form to view and sign up for various JTE volunteer opportunities.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
We've had a great first week back at school! Please see our latest newsletter for important information and updates.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
When going through the car rider line, please make sure you are only using this year's car tag and not the one from last year. Last year's car tag numbers will not work in our system. Thank you. Cuando pase a recoger a su hijo/a en la linea de carro, por favor solo use la carta con el numero del estudiante que se le entrego este ano escolar. Las cartas de carro del ano pasado no funcionan para su hijo/a este ano.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Don't forget today is our first Early Release CTM Wednesday, and students will be dismissed at 1:50 PM. If your child is getting home a different way on Wednesdays than they do the rest of the week, please make sure their teacher knows.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Springdale High Girls Basketball Clinic See flyer for details.
over 2 years ago, WebTech
Basketball Clinic - Springdale High Girls
If your child rides the bus, please make sure they know where to be picked up and where their bus will be dropping them off. You can find your bus stop at the following link: Your child's bus stop may not be the same as it was last year.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
We will have two lunch choices this year. Kindergarten will start with one choice. The August 15th-19th lunch choices are week one on the monthly calendar. 2022-2023 School Meal Prices Breakfast - $1.30 full price, $0.25 for reduced Lunch - $2.45 full price, $.040 for reduced To APPLY for free or reduced meals, and to PAY for meals, please visit the following website:, also linked below.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Springdale elementary students will be released early on Wednesdays at 1:50 PM so that teachers can have collaborative team meetings. This time will allow district teachers to be part of a Professional Learning Community. If you need child care on Wednesdays, the After School Program will provide extended child care for elementary and middle school students who are enrolled in the program on Wednesdays at no additional cost to families. You can contact the After School Program at (479)756-5077 for more details.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Tiger Families, Bus stops have changed. Please see the charts below for updated pick up and drop off locations/ times.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Please see our latest newsletter for important back to school information. We are so excited to see our Tigers on Monday!
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
We hope all of our Tigers are having a great summer! School starts on Monday, August 15th, and we wanted to share some important information to help you prepare. Please see our latest newsletter for more details.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
As you may have heard, the waiver that allowed free lunches for all students has expired. Beginning this year we will, again, be charging for lunch. The good news is that, thanks to Federal assistance, we will NOT have to increase costs for student trays. All students will continue to receive a free breakfast each day through the Breakfast in the Classroom program. The full price cost for lunch is $2.45, and $0.40 for reduced lunch. You may use the link below to apply for free or reduced lunch.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Hello Tyson Families! We are looking forward to seeing our Tigers soon! On August 1st and 2nd, kindergarten screening will take place by appointment. The times for appointments are between 8:00 AM-12:00 PM and 3:00 PM-6:00 PM. If you have an upcoming kindergartener, please call the office at (479)750-8862 to make a screening appointment. August 11th from 4:00-5:30 is our back to school meet and greet for all K-5th grade students and families. Our first day of school is on Monday, August 15th. School Supply fees can be paid online now using the following link. Please disregard the lists at Wal-Mart. They are no longer current. When paying online, don’t forget to type your child’s name and grade in the description box. Students will also need to bring over the ear headphones and a backpack without wheels.
over 2 years ago, John Tyson Elementary
Join the #SpringdaleFamily Become a bus driver today!
almost 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Bus Driver
"Delta Dental of Arkansas presents Toothapalooza, a children’s oral health event, at the Amazeum on Saturday, June 18th, 2022 from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. Museum admission is free for the first 500 kids and their families who mention Toothapalooza upon entry. Four guests per family, please. Dental health-related activities will be available during the day!"
almost 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Toothapalooza english
Toothapalooza Spanish
Investing in our #SpringdaleFamily | Board votes to increase pay
almost 3 years ago, Springdale School District