Investing in our #SpringdaleFamily | Board votes to increase pay

Work for Springdale Schools! Apply today
Starting pay of $19.45* per hour.
*includes daily attendance bonus

Feed Your Brain at Walker- ALL Springdale Families are invited

HB Football Camp - June 6-7
See flyer for more details!

HB 2022 Fascats Speed Training
See flyer for more details!

We have had another fun-filled week! There will be no school on Monday, May 30th, and our last day of school will be Tuesday, May 31st. Here is our latest newsletter. We hope you all have a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend!

Tomorrow, May 27th, is Field Day!
We will have a lot of fun outdoor activities including a water slide. Please send a water bottle, change of clothes, towel, and sunscreen with your child. We are excited about this fun day!
¡Mañana, 27 de mayo, es el Día del Campo!
Tendremos muchas actividades divertidas al aire libre, incluido un tobogán de agua. Envíe una botella de agua, una muda de ropa, una toalla y protector solar con su hijo. ¡Estamos emocionados por este divertido día!

FEED YOUR BRAIN! Sign up today

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 191 will not run today, Wednesday, May 25th. Also, Bus 191 will not run tomorrow or Friday afternoon.
Bus 210 will not run in the morning or afternoon tomorrow, Thursday, May 26th.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobuses, el autobús 191 no funcionará hoy, miércoles 25 de mayo. Además, el autobús 191 no funcionará mañana ni el viernes por la tarde.
El autobús 210 no circulará en la mañana ni en la tarde de mañana jueves 26 de mayo.

Congratulations to John Tyson's kindergartners for completing an exciting first year of school! #THEChioce

Free summer meals for all ages 18 and younger!

John Tyson Elementary School's fifth-graders are moving on to do some awesome things! #THEChoice

Sign up for Kiwanis Kids Day Football!

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus # 152/222 will not be able to run this afternoon, Monday, May 23rd. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobús, el autobús 152/222 no podrá circular esta tarde, lunes 23 de mayo. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias.

We are so excited for tonight's STEAM Night! The event will be from 5:30-7:30 PM. Students will be sharing their Passion Projects and there will be multiple STEAM activity stations set up. Some of the stations will include Ozobots/Snap Circuits, learning about weather with a KNWA meteorologist, a planetarium, and much more! Dinner will also be served. Please see the map for the different STEAM station times and locations. We look forward to seeing you tonight!

We've had a great week at JTE, and we have some more exciting events coming up next week! Please see our newsletter for more information. Have a great weekend.

Please join us next Monday, May 23rd for STEAM Night from 5:30-7:30 PM. Students will be sharing their Passion Projects and there will multiple STEAM activity stations set up. Some of the stations will include Ozobots/Snap Circuits, learning about weather with a KNWA meteorologist, a planetarium, and much more! Dinner will also be served. Please see the map for the different STEAM station times and locations. We look forward to seeing you there!

We couldn't let the day go by without celebrating our very own speech pathologist, Mrs. Samantha Evans. We are so thankful for her dedication to helping our Tigers. Happy National Speech-Language Pathologist Day, Mrs. Evans!

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 210 will not run tomorrow afternoon, Tuesday, May 17th. It will run tomorrow morning, but it will not be able to run in the afternoon.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobuses, el autobús 210 no funcionará mañana martes 17 de mayo por la tarde. Funcionará mañana por la mañana, pero no podrá hacerlo por la tarde.

On Monday, May 16th, Bus 162 will not run in the morning or afternoon. We apologize for the inconvenience.
El lunes 16 de mayo, el Bus 162 no circulará ni por la mañana ni por la tarde. Pedimos disculpas por las molestias.