2022 Summer Camps!
See flyer for more details in Spanish

2022 Summer Camps!
See flyer for more details in English

Happy Nurse's Week to our very own Nurse Huskey! We appreciate all she does to take care of our Tigers!

Good news! We were just notified that Bus 210 will be able to run this afternoon, May 10th. If your student normally rides this bus, but you would prefer for them to not ride this afternoon, please let your child's teacher know.
¡Buenas noticias! Nos acaban de notificar que el Bus 210 podrá circular esta tarde, 10 de mayo. Si su hijo normalmente viaja en este autobús, pero usted preferiría que no lo haga esta tarde, infórmele al maestro de su hijo.

We were just notified that Bus 132 will not run this morning, May 10th. It will also not run in the morning or afternoon for the remainder of the year. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Bus 210 will not run tomorrow afternoon, May 10th. Also, Bus 162 will not run in the morning or afternoon on Thursday and Friday, May 12th and May 13th. Bus 191 will not run in the afternoon Thursday and Friday, May 12th and May 13th. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Kindergarten and 5th Grade Celebrations will be taking place this month. If you have a child in kindergarten and/or 5th grade, please join us to celebrate their hard work this year.

On Friday, May 13th, we will be celebrating Career Day! Students are invited to dress up as the workers they would like to be when they grow up.

Har-Ber High Football Camp
See flyer for more details!

Har-Ber High 2022 Fascats Speed Training
See Flyer for more details!

Bus 132 will not run today, Monday, May 9th in the morning or afternoon.

Just a reminder that Bus 191 will not run on Thursday or Friday afternoons for the remainder of the school year. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 152/222 will not run today, Tuesday, May 3rd. It will not run in the morning or afternoon.

The Springdale Kiwanis 5th grade Little Olympics is still on for today. The event will be held at Springdale High School track. Good luck to all the participants and hope you have fun!

We were just notified that Bus 132 will not run this morning or afternoon, Thursday, April 28th. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 191 will not run in the morning or afternoon on Thursday and Friday, April 28th and April 29th.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobuses, el autobús 191 no funcionará ni en la mañana ni en la tarde del jueves y viernes 28 y 29 de abril.

Tyson celebrated our AMAZING administrative professionals today. We are so thankful for everything they do to help JTE run smoothly. Happy Administrative Professionals Day!

Young Writers Camp! See Flyer for details

See Flyer!

Due to a shortage of bus drivers, Bus 132 will not run today, Monday, April 25th.
Debido a la escasez de conductores de autobuses, el autobús 132 no funcionará hoy, lunes 25 de abril.